Atlanta Fly Fishing School
We’ve Been Teaching Fly Fishing in Georgia Since 1999
Offering a Fly Fishing School, a Fly Casting School, an Advanced Fly Casting School and Private Lessons to meet the needs of all skill levels. Unique in offering half day schools. You will appreciate how affordable our schools are and enjoy the time between schools to master newfound tools and techniques. Whether you desire to take one class or all three, one per season or one per year, we can help you get started or advance your abilities.
“The Easiest Way to Learn Fly Fishing in Beautiful Atlanta Georgia”
Fly Fishing School is not only for beginners, but it is the perfect place to start. This school covers everything you need to know to get started from scratch. While attended by many who have never cast a rod, it is equally taken by seasoned fisherman who were self taught and want to brush up on the basics. You’ll enjoy the comfortable, relaxed style of instruction that allows you to learn at your own pace. It makes learning fly-fishing fun.
Fly fishing HistoryFish senses
Equipment details & design (rods, reels, accessories)
Rod design discussion will include time for each student to cast individual rods with slow, medium and fast action designs to feel differences in casting performance.
Fly lines and leaders
All about fishing knots
Where are the fish?
Safety on the water
Fly casting principals
Beginning casting; we supply all equipment, state of the art graphite fly rods and the latest fly lines
Fly Casting School is grounded in the basics and a perfect place for beginners, yet is a very comprehensive casting class covering specialty casts. Everyone likes our Fly Casting School because it is grounded in the basics yet comprehensive enough to advance anglers of all levels of casting to create an expertise and enjoyment.
Casting Terms, How to Cast Effectively
Casting Mechanics: Physics and Principles
Six Essentials
Basic Pick-up and lay down cast
Loop formation, tight loops, open loops
Controlled timing; varying the pause
Roll casting; eight reasons why
Casting for weighted flies & lines
Shooting line for distance
Change of direction casting, aerial and on the water
Distance casting; line speed & loop control
Casting with the wind; overcome any wind direction
Mending the line, drag free drifts
Small stream techniques
Hook setting; the lift set and strip set
Playing, fighting, landing fish
Whether you are learning to cast for the first time, honing your double-haul skills for a trip to the salt flats, or just want to add other tactical maneuvers to your arsenal, a one-on-one private lesson is the fastest way to improve. Private lessons are typically used for casting instruction with an analysis of your casting by video or digital image, however, we can utilize the time to address any questions you may have. The one-on-one assessment of your casting with professional instruction insures your progress to better casting and presentation.
LESSON CONTENT: emphasis is on casting analysis, improvement, and specialty casts. Private lessons can also be used to review equipment, for a private school, to tune up for an upcoming trip or just to get answers to your questions.